Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Selected Bibliography/Web Resources

English 753 X: Victorian Conversations

Selected Bibliography (some will be on Reserve in the BC Library)

Agrawai, B. ed. Mulk Raj Anand: Father of Indian English Fiction (2006).

*Armstrong, Nancy. Desire and Domestic Fiction: A Political History of the Novel (1987)

Anderson, Benedict. Imagined Communities.

*Barber, Jill. Children in Victorian Times (2006).

*Darwin, Charles. Origin of Species (1859)

DiBello, Patrizia. Women’s Albums and Photography in Victorian England: Ladies, Mothers and Flirts (2007).

Gallagher, Catherine. The Body Economic: Life and Economy in the Victorian Novel (2006).

Gilbert, Pamela. Cholera and Nation: Doctoring the Social Body in Victorian England (2007).

*Marttineau, Harriet. British Rules in India: A Historical Sketch (1857).

*Mayhew, London Labour and the London Poor (1861)

*Mill, John Stuart. Utilitarianism (1862).

Mufi, Aamir. Enlightenment in the Colony: The Jewish Question and Post-Colonial Modernity (2007).

*Phillips, Caryl. New World Order: Essays (West Indies)

Pike, David. Subterranean Cities: The World Beneath Paris and London, 1800-1945 (2005).

*Richard, Thomas. Commodity Culture of Victorian England: Advertising and Spectacle, 1851-1914 (ch.1, The Great Exhibition of 1851).

*Rose, Phyllis. Parallel Lives:Five Victorian Marriages (1984).

*Rosenthal, Michael. The Character Factory: Baden Powell’s Boy Scouts.

*Rushdie, Salman. Imaginary Homelands.

*Said, Edward. Orientalism.
Culture & Imperialism

Thompson, Edward. The Other Side of the Medal

*Wilson, Edmund. The Wound and the Bow (childhoods of Dickens and Kipling).

Web Resources:

*Afghan Wars (related to Kim)

Dickens Page (Mitsuharu Matsuoka, Japan)

*Froude, James Anthony. “The English in the West Indies.
(WEB www.victorianprose.org)

Holmes: “Discovering Sherlock Holmes webpage;” subscribe for free and read weekly installments like a Victorian Reader

*Miller, J. Hillis. “Graphic or Verbal: A Dilemma

*The Penny Magazine (working-class periodical) (WEB)

Victorian Literature Studies Archive (concordances for authors)

*Victorian Research Web. Excellent source of information on newspapers, census data, and you can join a Victorian lit discussion group.

Victorian Sensation Fiction Online (Andrew Mactavish, U of Alberta)

*Victorian Web (Brown University): very good reference and background information, many topics—religion, science, visual arts, history)

Victoriana. Cultural info on the Victorian period (decorating, history, fashion etc.)

Voice of the Shuttle

The Workhouse (information on the Poor Laws, Work House Life)

*Starred items are recommended for oral reports

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